I adore mysteries; read Nancy Drew under bed-covers til dawn when 8 years old.
When Netflix came out I jumped at it. I’ve binge watched BBC/PBS detectives who have the brain of a badger and the heart of a bunny. Last night with a new mystery I laughed out loud. AGAIN, I was unable to tear myself away!
The answer was immediate.
Because I adore following the clues…
God, I love a great story. It grabs me. I am hooked.

This is why I do what I do on the soul level or the Great Mystery within us.
I listen to stories… and figure out clues which help lead to the light within. I’m pretty good at it because I’ve done it for 30 years while becoming a mother and then sadly ~ a widow. A script-shift like that puts someone into an entirely different genre~ from romantic comedy to tragedy in one breath.
How does one survive, recover, adapt? By honoring the reality one is in yet keeping open to the power of the re-write.
